Monday, July 17, 2017

"I'm Going To End Political Corruption in Racine, WI"

Why you should support Justin Wheeler

My name is Justin Wheeler and I am running for Mayor of Racine, WI in the upcoming special election.

I was born in this city. I was raised here by my phenomenal parents Allan and Terri. My father has served Racine as a city employee for over 35 years.

I've worked for and in the city, and have a detailed understanding of the day to day operations of city departments and our common council.

My campaign is all about the individuals in our city. We're putting the power back in your hands. No more shady backroom deals and lies to the public.

Transparency and integrity will be the foundation of everything my administration does.

I'm focused on job opportunities and saving money for our citizens.
Technology is our biggest asset in retooling our local economy. 

My administration will invest in high speed internet for our city. Cities such as Chattanooga, TN attracted a large number of tech based companies by installing high speed fiber-optic connections throughout the city. They've seen abandoned factories replaced with new 21st century industry. They created 1000 new, quality jobs in just two years.

As a journalist and business owner I've seen struggles and successes from a plethora of perspectives in our community.

Too often local government gets in the way of its people. Local regulations cripple growth and wasteful spending burdens our budget.

Privileged career politicians spend our resources paying off political favors and positioning themselves for their next pay day, usually on the taxpayers' dime.

Our city is over 100 million dollars in debt. Instead of changing our spending, our leaders voted to raise the debt ceiling. This is not fiscal responsibility. 32 cents of every tax dollar is spent on debt. We’re losing street lights, our roads are falling apart.

Remember the guy that told us he would make Racine a top 10 city in 10 years? He introduced Cory Mason at a goodbye press conference as Racine’s next mayor.

Liars are the worst, but we have to move forward. ...Read more

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