Wednesday, August 2, 2017

"Trump thinks the 'White House is a real dump,' report says"

"President Trump told members at his Trump National Bedminster golf club he has spent so much time there recently because 'that White House is a real dump,' Golf magazine reported Tuesday.

"According to the in-depth look at the president and his relationship to golf, Bedminster has become one of Trump's favorite escapes. It served as a 'permanent campaign rally site' in the months leading up to the election and Trump has visited the club four times since taking office. 

"'He has his own cottage adjacent to the pool; it was recently given a secure perimeter by the Secret Service, leading to the inevitable joke that it's the only wall Trump has successfully built,' Golf magazine reported. 'Chatting with some members before a recent round of golf, he explained his frequent appearances "That White House is a real dump."

"By contrast, people who've played with Trump on his courses say he praises every detail of his clubs."

He's right, the place is a dump.  Better it's rented out to me.

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