Friday, September 22, 2017

Four for Fridays!

Good morning everyone how are you doing this nice warm and humid day. I just can not believe that today is the first day of Fall. Where did the summer go already.

1) What was your favorite cartoon as a child?

2) Do you still watch any cartoons?

3) What was the worst cartoon you seen as a child?

4) What do you think of the cartoons that are out now?

I hope everyone stays inside with the heat and humidity. Have a good weekend.


  1. 1) What was your favorite cartoon as a child?
    Probably early Popeyes.

    2) Do you still watch any cartoons?
    Occasionally, online.

    3) What was the worst cartoon you seen as a child?
    Clutch Cargo. The animation was he worst.

    4) What do you think of the cartoons that are out now?
    I haven't seen any, but my ex-wife was an animator at one point. She pointed to the machine animation that was destroying the quality of the studios. So I suspect that today's cartoons are garbage.

  2. 1. Popeye is right up there along with Woody Woodpecker
    2. If I could I would.
    3. Got to agree with Orbs, Clutch Cargo is right up there.
    4. The few I have seen really sucks.
    Bon appetite!
