Friday, November 24, 2017

Four for Fridays!

I am really sorry about not posting the Four for Fridays. I woke up and thanks to Drew being sick last week guess who has his cold yes me. I have just be laying on the couch trying to get better and I called the doctor to send some meds to the pharmacy for me.

I am hoping to be better next week so I can post for you and go around and see what beautiful Christmas decorations I can find to share with everyone.


  1. OK lets give THB some help..

    Here are the 4 4 Fridays.

    1. Who or what is your favorite Christmas character or object?

    2. What is your favorite Christmas song?

    3. When do you do most of your Christmas shopping?

    4. What do you enjoy more, giving or getting Christmas presents?

    Bonus question;
    A Christmas without kids would be?........

    Have a great weekend irregulars!!!

  2. THB, I hope you feel better soon. Take care of yo8rself.

    1. Who or what is your favorite Christmas character or object?
    The Christmas tree.

    2. What is your favorite Christmas song?
    None. IO hate Christmas music.

    3. When do you do most of your Christmas shopping?
    Nowhere. I have no $.

    4. What do you enjoy more, giving or getting Christmas presents?
    I think I would like to give presents, but, again, I'm broke.

    Bonus question;
    A Christmas without kids would be?........
    Not Christmas?

    Thanks for the questions, rcc.

  3. 1. a fresh cut christmas tree
    2. I have several with Bing Crosby's white christmas at or near the top along with the Nutcracker
    3. I don't do much shopping, i leave that to others who are more in tune of the needs and wants of the recipients.
    4. Giving, once past food water and shelter, you can enjoy life without all the other considerations.
    5. This one I also got to agree with Orbs, Christmas without kids loses all the magic of Christmas.

  4. Thank you rcc for the help this week. I really appreciate it.
