Saturday, November 25, 2017

"Report cites Racine as fourth worst city for blacks"

"RACINE — Racine was named the fourth worst city in the nation for black people to live, according to a recent 24/7 Wall St. article.

"While Racine’s high placement on the Delaware-based financial news and opinion company’s article may surprise some residents, it brings attention to a topic gaining both national and local attention — racial inequality and possible solutions.

"'As somebody who’s been working in this community for 20 years, I’ve always known that those disparities exist,' Racine Mayor Cory Mason said. 'Anybody who lives here, anybody who’s done work in this community would be able to tell you that those disparities are real and there’s a lot of work to do to address them.'

"Although the Rev. Melvin Hargrove was not surprised by the recent article’s findings, he was surprised Racine was placed so high on this list. "'I was surprised we were listed as fourth in the nation' said Hargrove. 'I never try to run to race first. I’ve always said I love Racine — I love my city, but there are still some issues we have to face as people of color.'"

Read more:

Wow.  Fourth in the nation.

I'm white.  I have said this for years.  As soon as I returned to Racine, from living in Chicago, I noticed it.  They're still fighting the Civil War around here.  Racism is Racine's middle name.  Thje pigs are still in power.

If Mason has noticed this for twenty years, why hasn't he said or done anything about it?  Lying liar.


  1. Its also the fourth worst city for whites, latinos and others.

  2. Of course - NO Comments allowed on The JT.


    Hey Carpet bagging' Tic Cory Mason - you had NO CLUE!


    What would you call a massive nuclear strike on the City of Racine?

    Urban Renewal.

  3. Did anyone ever stop to think....

    That the Racine Equality Project WAS RIGHT?
