Monday, November 27, 2017

Unintended Consequences

All summer and into the fall, water utility workers were out on Hwy V opening hydrants and dumping thousands upon thousands of gallons of water on a pretty regular basis. We understand that they had to do this because the chlorine had evaporated to point the water was unsafe to drink - not enough water flowing through that expensive new water main.
Who is paying for this? That's A LOT of water!

1 comment:

  1. The main purpose of chlorination is to disinfect water, but it also has many other benefits. Unlike some of the other disinfection methods like ozonation and ultraviolet radiation, chlorination is able to provide a residual to reduce the chance of pathogen regrowth in water storage tanks or within the water distribution system. At times, distribution systems can be a fair distance from the storage tanks and in dead end sections or where water is not used pathogens may re-grow if a proper (chlorine) residual is cannot be maintained in the treated water sent out for consumption. This results in poor water quality as well as slime and biofilms in the distribution systems that will end up contaminating the clean, treated water being distributed. Many government environmental bodies have set guidelines or standards for the amount of chlorine residual that must be present at all points in the system. The guidelines for each province are shown in the table below.

    My Chemist says that The Racine Water-Treatment Plant adds "Stupid" to the water - so hey - don't drink it!
