Thursday, November 30, 2017

"Walker Announces National Ad Campaign To Attract Workers"

"Campaign To Focus On Bringing Veterans, Young Professionals To Wisconsin"

"(AP)---Gov. Scott Walker is calling on the Legislature to approve nearly $7 million to pay for a national ad campaign to bring more workers into Wisconsin.

"Walker announced the new marketing effort at a meeting Wednesday of the state chamber of commerce. Walker says the campaign will focus on bringing military veterans and their families to the state as well as young professionals currently living in the Midwest, particularly in cities like Chicago, Detroit and the Twin Cities.

"The push to attract more workers comes as Foxconn Technology Group proceeds with its plan to open a display-screen factory in between Milwaukee and Chicago that could employ more than 3,000 people.

"Walker says the need for workers goes beyond just Foxconn, but includes all employers across the state."

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1 comment:

  1. So all the Workers left tax-hell Wisconsin whose only growth industry has been the prison industry and prosecution for profit?

    Dark side of ND's oil boom: Meth, heroin, cartels _ all part of growing drug trade

    What they uncovered was a large-scale methamphetamine ring that had found a home in a state long known for its small-town solitude, its slow pace and peaceful pastures.

    The members of this violent gang were all relative newcomers to Williston. They called themselves "The Family," the feds say, and were holed up in a few campers tucked behind an innocent-looking, white-frame house. They had plenty of firepower, too: One of the men had an arsenal of 22 weapons.

    Authorities say several "Family" members had abducted and planned to kill one of their own, seeking to enforce their code of silence out of fear he'd spill the group's secrets. They assaulted him in a camper in Williston, stuffed him into a plastic-lined car trunk, then beat him again after he escaped. He was left for dead in a Montana field. He wound up, instead, in a North Dakota hospital, telling the FBI his story.

    Hot economy, cold comfort: North Dakota's homeless problem

    (Reuters) - Lured by the promise of jobs created by the oil and gas boom, Mario Solano left his home in Miami to travel to a new life in the center of it all - North Dakota.

    At first, Solano found temporary jobs driving trucks for oil and gas companies. Eventually, he found permanent employment working as a ranch hand in the town of Williston, making $14.50 an hour, or about $30,000 a year - plenty, Solano thought, to get a small place of his own.

    But rents are surging in Williston - and finding a place to live is difficult at any price. So Solano wound up living in his car.
