Monday, December 4, 2017

"An Impotent Racine County Board"

Dear County Board -
Seems like everyone is fighting over a slice of the pie that hasn't even been produced - much less baked.
SO what does Racine County Executive Jonathan Delagrave have to say about this?

Should Milwaukee annex part of Racine County for Foxconn-related housing?

If state and local authorities aren't willing to invest in transportation options to ferry low-income Milwaukee workers to the proposed $10 billion Foxconn plant in Mount Pleasant, Milwaukee Ald. Bob Bauman has another idea.
What if, Bauman suggests, the city annexed a piece of land in Racine County and helped build a neighborhood of affordable single- and multi-family homes where transplanted Milwaukee workers could live?
That's one of the ideas the 4th District alderman would like his colleagues on the Common Council's Zoning, Neighborhood & Development Committee to consider at its Dec. 12 meeting. Bauman has asked the city attorney's office and Department of City Development to weigh in on the feasibility of creating what he calls a "satellite community" for Milwaukee workers near the planned Foxconn plant.
Just *WOW*
Concerned Residents of MTP can only hope that David DeGroot is a one term President - like Donald Trump - and kicked to the curb by informed voters in the next election - along with Havn and Hewitt.
Please join Cindy and me in JUST SAYING NO TO the unconstitutional counter-revolution promulgated by Scott Walker & Co.
So Governor Scott Walker along with Representatives Robin Vos and Cory Mason want to violate the Wisconsin Constitution, steal people’s property, destroy generational Farms & a Community, loosen environmental protections, and provide taxpayer subsidies to multi-billionaires and their Corporations – YOU CAN COUNT US OUT OF THEIR CRIMINAL REVOLUTION AGAINST THE PEOPLE!
Tim & Cindy


  1. I think that Milwaukee should roll into Racine in tanks, thus provoking "The Wisconsin County Wars."

  2. my confuser doesn't like the hyperlinks provided with this post.
    "Wisconsin County Wars" has a nice ring to it.
    WCW it is!
    Let the "BLAMES" begin.
