Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Dear Madame Zoltar

Hi, gang.  So sorry to be late.  I had a, er, medical procedure performed this morning and things got a little harrier than expected.  I punched out two orderlies before they realized that something was up.  So they had to hold me while the orderlies decided whether or no they wanted to press charges.  I reminded them that if they pressed charges, their children will be ugly, and stupid  (like their parents).

So they finally let me go.  I told the orderlies not to forget what I had told them.  Grr.  I think one was afraid, and the other one is always drunk.

Have you heard the glorious news? 

"Pizza Hut Will Now Deliver Cold Beer and Wine to Pair With Your Pie" -

Now if only they would do something about their crappy pizza.  

I must say that it feels well when the Journal Times headline reads: Mayor's event center veto upheld  

The Green Bay Packers pulled one out of the fire last week.  Think they can do it again?

The Irregular Football League is already into its playoffs:

 I was very happy to hear that Mayor Mason's veto of the events center stood its ground.  It's good to give a new mayor a sense of security.

Want to know what's depressing?  Click on  Our once vibrant local news and blogs are dying.  

Thank you for reading my blog today.  When it comes to being irregular, it takes one to know one.

If you have a problem, give me a holla.  I can only make it worse.  I love you all.

Please donate:
If you don't like PayPal, send me a note at and I'll send you my street address so you can send a check or money order.  Thank you


  1. What medical procedure did you have done this morning?

    Madame Z goes against me in playoffs this week watch out.

  2. THB vs. MZ
    da bears vs. da packers
    both teams lost in the bottom rankings of a nothing season.
    GONE packers and GONE bears
    Bye bye

  3. THB: I had part of my brain removed.
