Sunday, December 31, 2017

"Five Colorado deputies shot, one fatally, while responding to domestic call, authorities say"

 Five sheriff’s deputies in Colorado were shot, one of them fatally, while responding to a call about a domestic disturbance on Sunday morning.

The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office said the deputies responded to a call from an apartment complex in Highlands Ranch, a few miles south of Denver, shortly after 5 a.m. Mountain time. The gunman opened fire, wounding two civilians. The gunman, whom authorities have not named, was later shot by deputies and is “believed to be dead,” the sheriff’s office said.

 Authorities also have not named the deceased or injured officers, or the civilians. Deputy Jason Blanchard, spokesman for the sheriff’s office, said no other information will be released until a news conference at noon Mountain time.

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  1. I had a buddy who's brother was a Racine police officer. He said the police hate dealing with domestic disputes because you never know when the sides will change.

    He and some other officers responded to a domestic dispute call. A woman said her husband was drunk and tearing up the place. Responding officers arrested the man. When the woman saw this, she whacked my buddy's brother in the side of the head with a frying pan.

    He had to take a couple months off.

    Damned if you do, and damned if you don't.

  2. I don't know of a cop that likes domestic calls.
    The rampant emotions of love/hate relationships leaves everyone on edge.
    Unfortunately, law enforcement often bears the ultimate price for trying to secure a situation.
