Thursday, December 7, 2017

The Gang of Four

Dear Village Board -
As MTP moves forward with the David Degroot Disaster.....
Let us remember that one of Dave's heroes - a Trump Supporter - sold this T-Shirt:

'Rope. Tree. Journalist. Some Assembly Required'
and created controversy.
Imagine replacing Journalist with..... Politician.
Of course not,... (but Scott Walker did approve Industrial Hemp - which makes excellent ropers.

With the gang of four in control of MTP - Degroot - Havn - Hewitt and Honorary Trustee Anna Marie Clausen -
The future will be Golden - or maybe NOT!

So Governor Scott Walker along with Representatives Robin Vos and Cory Mason want to violate the Wisconsin Constitution, steal people’s property, destroy generational Farms & a Community, loosen environmental protections, and provide taxpayer subsidies to multi-billionaires and their Corporations – YOU CAN COUNT US OUT OF THEIR CRIMINAL REVOLUTION AGAINST THE PEOPLE!
Tim & Cindy


  1. The GANG of FOUR specifically references:

    The Gang of Four (simplified Chinese: 四人帮; traditional Chinese: 四人幫; pinyin: Sìrén bāng) was a political faction composed of four Chinese Communist Party officials. They came to prominence during the Cultural Revolution (1966–76) and were later charged with a series of treasonous crimes. The gang's leading figure was Mao Zedong's last wife Jiang Qing. The other members were Zhang Chunqiao, Yao Wenyuan, and Wang Hongwen.[1]

    The Gang of Four controlled the power organs of the Communist Party of China through the later stages of the Cultural Revolution, although it remains unclear which major decisions were made by Mao Zedong and carried out by the Gang, and which were the result of the Gang of Four's own planning.

    The Gang of Four, together with disgraced general Lin Biao who died in 1971, were labeled the two major "counter-revolutionary forces" of the Cultural Revolution and officially blamed by the Chinese government for the worst excesses of the societal chaos that ensued during the ten years of turmoil. Their downfall on October 6, 1976, a mere month after Mao's death, brought about major celebrations on the streets of Beijing and marked the end of a turbulent political era in China.

  2. I remember this stuff happening.

    Hey, have you donated to Wikipedia yet? I gave them $20 yesterday.
