Saturday, December 9, 2017

"WI IS Expensive..."

The Tax Farmers continue to loot and scoot...

When Scott Walker was elected governor in 2010, Wisconsin
was one of the worst states in the country in which to do business.
Since then, we have seen bold and impactful reforms, and
Wisconsin has made great strides. It has clawed its way to 15th
place in the CNBC Global CFO Council ranking, from 29th in
Still, much work remains. Even in the CNBC ranking, Wisconsin
remains below the national average in friendliness to business
and cost of doing business. According to the Kaiser Family
Foundation, in 2014, Wisconsin’s state and local spending per
person ($7,797) was 43 percent higher than the national average
($5,457) despite an average income below the national average.
Even after $2 billion in tax cuts, Wisconsin’s working families
bear the highest state and local tax burden of any Midwestern
state, much higher than Minnesota, and higher than any state
except New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and California—all
states with significantly higher levels of income. Even after several
years of outperforming the nation in economic growth, Wisconsin
still lags behind the national average in both per capita income
and family income, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

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