Saturday, December 9, 2017

"Wisconsin Governor Pushes Forward With Plan To Drug Test Food Stamp Recipients"

Anyone looking to take advantage of the federal food stamp program in the state of Wisconsin may soon have to pee in a cup before rushing to the grocery store each month for their taxpayer subsidized sugary beverages and assortment of Hostess baked goods.  As the StarTribune points out today, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker took steps earlier today that could eventually make his state the first to require drug tests for able-bodied adults applying for food stamps.
Gov. Scott Walker moved ahead Monday with his plans to make Wisconsin the first state to drug test able-bodied adults applying for food stamps, a move blocked by the federal government or found to be unconstitutional when other states have tried.

Wisconsin's plan was approved by the Republican-controlled Legislature more than two years ago, but it languished because it conflicts with federal rules prohibiting states from imposing additional eligibility criteria on food stamp recipients.

Walker approved a rule change to implement the screening and sent it to the Legislature for review Monday. Walker spokesman Tom Evenson said the governor believes he has the authority to implement the rule.

The Legislature has four months to review the rule and it could take a year after its approval before the testing would begin. Lawsuits by those who oppose the drug testing are expected once it's implemented, assuming the federal government doesn't step in and block it in the meantime.

Under the plan, childless FoodShare participants who fail a drug test would be eligible for state-funded rehabilitation treatment if they don't have any other way to pay for it. FoodShare is Wisconsin's name for the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.

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