Saturday, January 13, 2018

"Man is a Beast of Prey"

Dear County Board -

First described by Otto Spengler is his work - The Decline of the West -
We witness that the Rule of Law, Kindness, and Human  Decency has been violated by those who act under the color of law, and who continue to violate said law to further their own means and goals.

 Please join Cindy and I is JUST SAYING NO to allowing Governor Scott Walker, Representatives Robin Vos,  Cory Mason & MTP President David DeGroot to violate the Wisconsin Constitution (and their Oath of Office) by granting special rights to Corporate interests, stealing people’s property, destroying multi-generational Farms alongside an entire long established Community, loosening environmental protections, permitting heavy metals water pollution, instituting slave labor wages, providing taxpayer subsidies to multi-billionaire Corporations, and politician overreach.


Tim & Cindy


  1. "We witness that the Rule of Law, Kindness, and Human Decency has been violated by those who act under the color of law, and who continue to violate said law to further their own means and goals".

    Mea Culpa!

    "We witness that the Rule of Law, Kindness, and Human Decency has been violated by those who act under the color of law, and who continue to violate said law to further their own interests and goals with Taxpayer funds".

  2. Off with their heads! It's way past time for a taxpayer revolution in the USA. Get a gun and shoot lying politicians (I think that means all of them).

  3. Wait until you research the CAFR of Racine County and note that it is operating (now) since 2016 at a $10M + loss.

    No wonder why the County sold the Old Peoples Home - OOPS! Ridgewood - and "dumped that expense" - while expanding OTHER programs.

    More to come....
