Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Dear Madame Zoltar

Hello, my sugar plums!  How are you?  I guess I'm doing OK given the breaks we've received in this winter's weather.  We really need more snow, but I'm not complaining.  It's supposed to be relatively warm today and then the temperature plummets to the single digits by Friday.  I hate the cold.  And I hate the snow.  So, what am I doing here?  I don't know.  Do you?

An observation: I don't think you could get two more different styles of governing then that of former Mr. Mayor Lying John and current Mr. Mayor Mason.  Mayor Lying John was an attention whore.  He needed the constant reassurance that he was the boss.  And he's in love with his face, so he took every opportunity to stick it out there.  Remember rubber sidewalks?  LOL.  I'm sorry, but how many times did we see Lying John with a group of local politicians announcing another project/renovation?  How many of those projects came to fruition?  None.

Mayor Mason is quiet, maybe too quiet.  What has he been up to since taking office?  I have no idea.  I think he's doing his job, but I don't even know what exactly his job is.  If I was mayor, there would be a constant party in City Hall.  Come to pay your taxes?  Spin the Wheel of Misfortune to see what the total will be.  Have a complaint?  First, smoke a joint.  Then I'll see you.  And don't forget to patronize the Zoltar fortune telling machine on the first floor.  You can always come to me for a second opinion.  And  Señor Zanza can give you a third.

Foxconn dominates the local news, of course.  I wonder if they/we can handle such a large and complex development?  It will be interesting to watch.  It could turn out to be one of the finest moments in computer hardware history.  Or one of the worst.  You really don't have to monitor this one.  They keep shoving Foxconn into our faces.

I sympathize with the Donte Shannon family in their grief.  Automatically blaming our law enforcement members is wrong.  Check out this story from the Journal Times:  This guy followed police commands and it turns into a stupid drunk story instead of a tale of woe.  Just do what the police tell you to do.  If you feel you've been singled out for punishment, file a complaint.  Get a lawyer.  If enough people did this, I'm sure there would be an investigation into the Racine Police Department.  But it's hard to play their game and easier to march and shout, accomplishing absolutely nothing.

On the home front it's pretty quiet.  Junior borrows Señor Zanza's car, not mine.  Not mine ever.  I hope that you're doing well.  I love all of my readers and wish them the best.  If you haven't already, get a flu shot.  This year's flu is a killer.

February just started, but it's a straight four weeks.  Then we'll be edging toward spring.  I hope.  I love you.   
Please donate: 
If you don't like PayPal, send me a note at and I'll send you my street address so you can send a check or money order.  Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. The streets were Foxconn is going to be is already blocked off. Drew and I were out on Sunday and coming home on Frontage Rd and the part by Foxconn was barracked by Cty Rd KR. So I had to turn on Cty Rd KR to come home. This is crazy the are not even working on the building and we can not drive down Frontage Rd anymore.
