Friday, February 23, 2018

"Trump administration levels 'heaviest sanctions ever imposed' against North Korea"

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin speaks during a press briefing at the White House Friday. The Trump administration announced new sanctions on more than 50 vessels, shipping companies and trade businesses in its latest bid to pressure North Korea over its nuclear program. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais) ORG XMIT: DCPM104(Photo: Pablo Martinez Monsivais, AP)

How long have we been imposing "sanctions" on North Korea?  Decades.  You'd think by this time things would be so tight that they couldn't fart. 

"The new sanctions target 56 vessels, shipping companies, and trade businesses that the U.S. believes are assisting North Korea in evading sanctions"

56 vessels after decades of sanctions?  They're just blowing smoke up our asses.  By now, North Korea should be a dried up patch of black on the map.  The only other sanctions I can think of is telling North Koreans that they may no longer breathe.

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