Monday, March 12, 2018

"Kentucky Pays"

Ram Bhatia, candidate for Mount Pleasant village trustee in the April election, has made his experience as a trustee on the Gateway Technical College Board of Directors a key qualification in his election. I agree; it is an important thing to know about him.
Since Mr. Bhatia joined Gateway in 2005, he and his colleagues on the Board of Directors have raised property taxes for area homeowners every single year except 2014, when the state increased funding. The next year, they were back at it.
Even in years when enrollment dropped, Bhatia and the board raised the tax levy costing homeowners more and more.
Foxconn has barely begun, and Mount Pleasant is spending money like there is no limit. Millions and millions of dollars to purchase land. Millions for roads, water and sewer service. Millions for contractors and consultants. Millions more for fire and police.
Does anyone really believe that property taxes in Mount Pleasant aren’t going up when the village has reached its borrowing limit? Who better to have on the board than a trustee that is totally comfortable making property owners pay for expensive projects with tax dollars. No thank you.
We need trustees who will represent the people, not Foxconn. Vote for John Martini, Don Schulz, Gary Feest and Tom Giese on April 3rd.
Daniel Dimler
Mount Pleasant

1 comment:

  1. The largely uneducated Rule WI.

    Which is why educated people leave - in droves - along with Industry and Business.

    Enjoy the STD's!

    MILWAUKEE (WITI/CNN) – The AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin confirmed recent reports of an HIV and STD “cluster” in Milwaukee.

    It’s believed at least 125 people have contracted HIV and syphilis, and they’re connected in some way.

    "Certainly, this is an HIV and syphilis cluster," said Michael Gifford, president of the AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin. "HIV and STDs are a serious public health threat."

    Gifford said Milwaukee already accounts for more than half of the state’s HIV cases.

    "Milwaukee unfortunately has one of the highest STD rates of any city in America," Gifford said.
