Friday, April 13, 2018


Dear County Board of Supervisors and Foxconn CEO Terry Gou,
Blight is a narrowly defined legal term, and prima facie evidence shows that the Village of Mount Pleasant CDA cannot "Blight" many properties which they seek to confiscate by unlawful means.
It appears that certain CDA members may be willing to violate that law - to the detriment of Lawful property owners.
Be advised, and TAKE NOTICE:
  MT. PLEASANT, WI April 12, 2018 – ​Local community group, “A Better Mt. Pleasant,” is calling on members of the Mount Pleasant Community Development Authority (CDA) to resign from their appointed positions if they vote to designate areas within the Foxconn development zone as blighted. The vote is expected to happen on Tuesday, April 17, 2018 at 6:30 pm at the Village Hall.
Residents have already received notice of eminent domain proceedings and Village officials announced on March 20, 2018 at a CDA public hearing that they intend to invoke “blighting” condemnation against property owners in the land acquisition process for Foxconn.
“Most of these homeowners haven’t even entered into negotiations with the Village before they decided to play the ‘blight’ card,” said Kelly Gallaher, a representative for the group. “The CDA has been given detailed information on why these properties do not meet the legal definition of ‘blighted.’ They have ignored the law and their own neighbors, and appear poised to do it anyway.”
Wisconsin State Statute 32.03(6) says that condemnation through blighting can only be used if the property is not occupied by the owner of the property, his or her spouse, or an individual related to the owner by blood, marriage, or adoption within the 4th degree of kinship OR the crime rate in, on, or adjacent to the property is at least 3 times the crime rate in the remainder of the municipality in which the property is located.
None of the homes in the Foxconn zone under threat of condemnation meet these legal criteria.
Gallaher says, “There is little doubt that actions to blight these properties will lead to a lawsuit which will not just cause problems for the FoxConn development, but could set a very dangerous precedent. If Mount Pleasant is allowed to blight perfectly good family homes and give them to a privately owned corporation, they can do it to anyone, anywhere.”
The Mount Pleasant Village Code of Ethics ordinances state that any public official who knowingly acts in excess of their legal authority and official capacity has committed misconduct in office.
Any member of the Mount Pleasant Community Development Authority who casts a vote to impose condemnation through blight against property owners in the Foxconn zone does so knowing they are violating state law and is therefore called upon to immediately resign from service on the Village CDA.
A petition calling for the resignations can be found online through ​​.
“It took only seven votes to appoint these men to the CDA. We are prepared to offer hundreds to demand they step down,” said Gallaher.
The Mount Pleasant Village Community Development Authority is comprised of the following members: Rob Richardson – Chair, Matt Cramer, Frank Risler, Jack Thorsen, Jerry Franke, David DeGroot – Village President, Gary Feest – Trustee, Sam Schultz – Staff
Mr. Gou - please do not conduct yourself like a criminal as you are a guest in my Country, and subject to it's laws, rules, and regulations. Even Governor Scott Walker, although he may use his influence, cannot shield you from legal action.

Please join Cindy and I is JUST SAYING NO to allowing Governor Scott Walker, Representatives Robin Vos,  Cory Mason & MTP President David DeGroot to violate the Wisconsin Constitution (and their Oath of Office) by granting special rights to Corporate interests, stealing people’s property, destroying multi-generational Farms alongside an entire long established Community, loosening environmental protections, permitting heavy metals water pollution, instituting slave labor wages, providing taxpayer subsidies to multi-billionaire Corporations, and politician overreach.
Tim & Cindy

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