Friday, April 6, 2018

"Foxconn's promised jobs boom could miss neighboring city Racine"

From JSOnline:

RACINE - If it fulfills its pledges, Foxconn Technology Group is destined to shatter job-creation records. Its flat-screen manufacturing campus in southeastern Wisconsin could eclipse Boeing’s footprint in Seattle, Tesla’s in Nevada and some of the biggest factories in China. Fully built out, it would be three times the size of the Pentagon, the world's largest office building.

And yet, despite its multibillion-dollar taxpayer subsidy, Foxconn’s jobs boom might ripple right past Wisconsin’s fifth-largest city, five miles east on Highway 11.

Once a titan of manufacturing, Racine's identity has been largely erased in the digital age. Its industrial heyday now an echo, the city has been impervious to decades of jobs programs, wars on poverty, upswings in the national economy and the consistent philanthropy of local industrial champion S.C. Johnson & Son.


  1. This would be so sad, yet I understand it. The lack of trained. motivated individuals can hurt us. Who wants to hire welfare bums with no skills and a bad attitude?

  2. City of Racine is an Industrial Wasteland!

    A city of Ill Repute Looted by the Government.


  3. Aerosmith - Eat The Rich

  4. "City of Racine is an Industrial Wasteland!"


  5. Of Fossil Fuels and Human Destiny

    An essay by Ron Patterson, May 2014

    There have been hundreds of books and essays written on the evolution of Homo sapiens and I assume you are familiar with that history. In this short essay I am going to point out a few things that are usually left out of that story, the part that deals with the very nature of the species Homo sapiens.

    First I would like to point out a few things that are common to all species, not just Homo sapiens.

    All species produce more offspring than can possibly survive to adulthood and reproductive age. Some produce hundreds of offspring and leave it to chance that a few will survive. Others produce far fewer offspring and care for them for months to years to increase their chances of survival.

    However if there is ever an abundance of food for any species, that species will multiply its numbers to take advantage of that abundance until its numbers are so great that the advantage disappears. An example would be the reindeer of St Matthew Island.

    In August of 1944 the Coast Guard placed 29 reindeer on St. Matthew Island, a remote island in the Bering Sea. Earlier in the year they had established a radio navigation system there and the Reindeer were supposed to be emergency rations should the men be cut off from supply shipments.

    A short while later, with the allies winning the war, the Coast Guard pulled their men off the island but left the reindeer there. But not to worry, the 32-mile long by 4-mile wide island had plenty of the reindeers favorite food. A mat of lichens over 4 inches deep covered the island. By 1957 the population had increased to 1,350; and by 1963 it was 6,000. But the lichens were gone, and the next winter the herd died off. Come spring, only 41 females and one apparently dysfunctional male were left alive.
