Friday, April 20, 2018

"The Continentals"


  1. This is the best goddamned band I've seen/heard in decades.

  2. Sound like Beach Boyz.

    Who was first?

  3. In 1964 a group of high school friends came together to form a band known as "The Continentals." Made up of sophomores at Northeast Lauderdale High School in Meridian, MS., the groups members included Stan Suire, Darrell Ross, Bob Minnis, and Tom Davis. Initially the band was managed by Stan and his father, John Suire. Another member, Jim Alanis, joined the group playing guitar and singing lead. The group's sound was like that of Richie Valens while Jim Alanis was lead singer performing numbers like "La Bamba." The group transitioned as Jim Alanis moved away from Meridian. This is where I (Ray Vaughn) became a member. Tom Davis was soon to move away with his family and I took Tom's place at the rhythm guitar position. The group became that of popular top 40 groups of the period where we performed cover songs of The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The McCoys, The Beach Boys and all the others of that period in the '60s.

  4. I knew them b3fore they sold out and became famous.
