Wednesday, May 2, 2018

"City of Racine Administrator Jim Palenick Feels 'LUCKY'"

Palenick marks 1st-year anniversary; sees ‘bright’ future for city

Jim Palenick has now held that job for about one year. In that time, he’s worked for three mayors, helped develop a proposed event center that the City Council ultimately rejected and is now working to help Racine capitalize on a $10 billion manufacturing campus in neighboring Mount Pleasant.
Palenick was appointed by former Mayor John Dickert to succeed Tom Friedel as Racine’s administrator, a role created in 2003 to manage Racine’s day-to-day operations. The City Council approved Palenick’s hiring March 21, 2017, by a vote of 10-3, granting him a three-year contract with a starting salary of $140,000.
The words of yet another “Dickert Disaster” appointed Toady who spouts lies for the remaining Fools of Racine – who are parted from their money – daily.
Being paid $140,000G + Bennies from the unwitting dupes aka City of Racine Taxpayers only confirms that lying and embezzling pays – in the rogue, criminal and corrupt State of WI! I bet Jim feels *LUCKY* because he won the lottery from the taxpaying FOOLS of City of Racine – who pay the bills!

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