Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Foxconn Truth

Dear Village Board,

For your consideration:

State, County, and Local Governments are investing $Billions$ in borrowed money; abusing eminent domain, “Blight” designations,  TIF guidelines, Pollution Control Standards, destroying the preservation of Farmland and  Wetlands, while redirecting the natural flows and purity of massive amounts of fresh water, along with a Healthy Environment, to an Entity which promises to produce LCD TV screens – employing 13,000 people at an average salary of $53K each + Bennies,  all to prop up the Failed (and Bankrupt) Governments of SE Wisconsin – which continue to loot and oppress the remaining, and largely poor, minority, under-educated,  criminal, and exploited underclass. 


” Racine Floating A Sales Tax” City of Racine commits-to-Paris-climate-accord while supporting Foxconn that exceeds the pollution standards. Then suggesting a .5 sales tax after Racine County spends millions on taking land from taxpayers to support Foxconn.


Tim & Cindy

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