Wednesday, May 16, 2018

"News of the Weird: May 17, 2018"

From The Shepherd Express:

May 15, 2018
2:06 p.m.

He Always Ran Number Two
Neighbors of the so-called “Pooperintendent”—a New Jersey school superintendent nabbed for repeatedly relieving himself on a high school running track—were nonplussed by the news. Thomas Tramaglini, 42, superintendent of schools in nearby Kenilworth, N.J., was charged on Monday, April 30, in Holmdel Municipal Court for defecating in public, lewdness and littering after being caught on surveillance video relieving himself on a daily basis during his run at the Holmdel High School track, which is about three miles from Tramaglini’s home. But neighbors told that Tramaglini always struck them as a nice guy, “Except for pooping on the field,” one added.
Art Au Naturel
The Palais de Tokyo, a contemporary art museum in Paris, France, has made a name for itself by granting special visiting hours to nudists. On Saturday, May 5, Reuters reported that naturists were invited to tour an exhibit, with about 160 attendees taking advantage of the sans-clothing event. Paris is seeing an increase in naturist events, according to Julien Claude-Penegry, communications director of the Paris Naturists Association. “The naturists’ way of life is to be naked. Naturists are pushing past barriers, taboos or mentalities that were obstructive,” he said. Next up for French nudists: a clubbing night later this year.
Maybe it was Mellow Yellow?
Angelique Sanchez, 26, of Denver was asked to provide a urine sample for a prospective employer on Thursday, May 3, so, of course, she stopped off at a 7-Eleven store en route to apply the final touch: She put the urine-filled bottle in a microwave and turned it on, whereupon the bottle exploded. A 7-Eleven clerk, who observed a “yellow liquid dripping from the microwave,” confronted Sanchez, who quickly wiped down the microwave and the floor underneath and walked out. KUSA TV reported that police caught up with her and issued a summons for damaged property. Medical expert Comilla Sasson guessed that Sanchez was trying to restore the sample to body temperature.
Where There’s Smoke There’s “Fire!”
When Leroy Mason, 68, of Barton, Vt., takes care of a problem, he doesn’t do things halfway. On Monday, April 30, as his smoke detector blared yet again, Mason aimed his 20-gauge shotgun at the cursed piece of electronics and fired twice. The detector was blown to bits, but unfortunately, the shots also hit the adjoining wall of an occupied apartment. Fire and EMS crews called to the scene had been there before (according to a Vermont State Police news release quoted by Boston25 News) as “Mr. Mason has complained in the past about frequent false alarms and was upset that fire crews would not relocate the detector.” When first responders relieved him of his shotgun, Mason rearmed himself with a Colt .45 handgun and demanded his shotgun back. Mason was finally subdued and charged with aggravated assault with a weapon and reckless endangerment.
When At First You Don’t Succeed…
Wednesday, April 11, was a great day for Markiko Sonnie Lewis of Maple Heights, Ohio: He got out of jail after a stint in state prison for robbing a Cleveland Key Bank branch in 2015. To celebrate his newfound freedom, Lewis returned to the same bank on the next day and robbed it again, according to WIOI, leaving with about $1,000. Lewis was indicted on Tuesday, May 1, with one count of bank robbery.
Not Exactly Police Officer of the Year Caliber
Jose Arreola, 49, of Bellflower, Calif., was more angry than scared when a police officer drew a gun on him on Friday, March 16, mistakenly thinking Arreola had stolen a $1.19 roll of Mentos. A security camera at an Orange County service station captured the incident, showing Arreola placing the Mentos on the counter along with a $20 bill. As he waited for his change, Arreola put the mints in his pocket, which is when an off-duty officer behind him pulled a gun out of the pocket of his hoody and ordered him to put the mints back on the counter. When the clerk confirmed Arreola had paid, the officer said, “My apologies.”


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