Saturday, May 5, 2018

"Racine mayor orders review of police department culture"

From The Journal

RACINE — Racine Mayor Cory Mason announced Friday that he is launching a review of the city’s Police Department to study its “cultural climate” after a survey on officers’ morale raised concerns of racial and gender bias.
Mason has directed the city’s attorney, human resources manager and affirmative action officer to investigate those concerns, according to a press release. The decision comes after the morale survey “revealed a number of Racine Police Department personnel who chose to make racially charged and sexist comments,” the release states.
The Journal Times reported earlier this week on that survey, conducted in mid-March by a human resource consulting firm at the request of the city’s police unions. Among other revelations, the survey highlighted complaints about morale and department leadership.
The survey also generated complaints about advancement opportunities, according to an overview of the survey results that was provided to The Journal Times. The overview states that 30 comments were provided regarding development and advancement, with the most commonly expressed sentiment on the topic being: “People are promoted based on friendship, race or gender.”
“In particular, it is alleged that the chief is making promotions ‘based on demographics’ and ‘does not promote people on merit but rather on favoritism,’ ” the overview states.
Some responding commenters also complained about the department’s “extensive” paid leave practice for “select officers.”

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Go get 'em, Mayor Cory! 

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