Friday, June 22, 2018

Four for Fridays!

Good morning everyone how are you dealing with this roller coaster of weather and the rain. The Root River is very high again and on the news they said to watch out for it to flood. This weather is not helping my back out at all. Here are your questions.

1) Have you ever had a flood were ever you have lived?

2) When it was raining have you ever had to pull over because you could not see?

3) Have you ever been out and got struck by lighting?

4) When you were younger did you go out in the rain playing?

I hope we have a nice dry weekend. I hope you have a great weekend.


  1. 1) Have you ever had a flood were ever you have lived?

    2) When it was raining have you ever had to pull over because you could not see?

    3) Have you ever been out and got struck by lighting?

    4) When you were younger did you go out in the rain playing?
    I loved playing in the rain. Our parking garage got partially flooded and yesterday as I walked from my parked truck, I avoided puddles. But I thought about how as a child I would jump in the puddles until my mom told me to stop.

    Thank you for the questions THB. I hope your back feels better. I'm going for a prostate biopsy later this morning. The possible after-effects sound terrible. Burning when you piss - for up to three weeks! Blood, blood, blood everywhere.

  2. 1. If a basement counts, than the answer is yes.
    2. Yes , It was night in the late eighties north of Portage Wi, it was raining so hard with wind I completely stopped on the interstate with death grip on the steering wheel and full force brakes. An out of body experience occurred as if I were still traveling at 60 miles an hour and then it began raining frogs. The only way I knew I was stopped was the speedometer was at zero. About 10 seconds later the rain subsided and frogs were all around the car, some dead some hopping around. No pun intended, a tornado had leaped frogged directly over me. For about 30 seconds, surreality was my environment, I then continued my journey.
    If I only had a dashboard camera back then.

    How's that for a road story?

    3. Close, but no lucky strike

    4. Of course and I still do.

  3. 1. Yes I have had a few flooded basements in my day.
    2. Wow, I can't even come close to the flying frog story.
    3. Never directly struck, that's probably why I can write this, but I did see it happen on the internet.
    4. Not only do I still play in the rain, I still fishin the rain.

    Don't let it rain on our parade this weekend, or I will have to get out my cauldron again.
