Thursday, July 26, 2018

Dear County Board

Dear County Board, 
New Legislation is being considered which may limit the current 
reckless and thoughtless path being pursued by MTP Public Officials, 
especially in regards to property rights and just compensation. 
Let us all play fair - as best as all can. 
From Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner’s (WI-05) Private Property Rights 
Protection Act (H.R. 1689). 
"The protection of property rights is one of the most important tenets 
of our government. I am mindful of the long history of eminent domain 
abuses, particularly in low-income and often predominantly minority 
neighborhoods, and the need to stop it. I am also mindful of the 
reasons we should allow the government to take the lead when the way 
in which the land is being used constitutes an immediate threat to 
public health and safety. I believe this bill accomplishes both goals. 
I urge my colleagues to join me in protecting private property rights 
for all Americans and limiting the dangerous effects of the Kelo 
decision on the most vulnerable in society. I reserve the balance of 
my time.” 
Please join Cindy and I is JUST SAYING NO to allowing Governor Scott 
Walker, Representatives Robin Vos,  Cory Mason & MTP President David 
DeGroot to violate the Wisconsin Constitution (and their Oath of 
Office) by granting special rights to Corporate interests, stealing 
people’s property, destroying multi-generational Farms alongside an 
entire long established Community, loosening environmental 
protections, permitting heavy metals water pollution, instituting 
slave labor wages, providing taxpayer subsidies to multi-billionaire 
Corporations, and politician overreach. 
Tim & Cindy 

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