Saturday, July 7, 2018

From "A Better Mt. Pleasant"

This is an updated re-post from earlier - we wanted to clarify some points. :)
Over the last few weeks, we have watched while the Foxconn deal has changed - from a giant screen facility, requiring Corning to locate here and build a plant in Area 2 - to a smaller screen plant - not in need of a Corning facility.
We also have seen the water usage drop. It was first (probably incorrectly) reported Foxconn would need over 12 million gallons of water, then 7 million, and now 2.5 million gallons.
The amount of water returned to the Racine Wastewater Utility has also drastically changed. With the recently announced ZLD system - it is possible that little to no water will be treated by Racine.
Deals change, but the deal for a big screen plant and 7 million gallons of water was the one local officials agreed to.
The Racine Water Utility makes money in water. Selling and treating water. When Foxconn was announced, the deal for them in selling and treating water was a miracle. That revenue would lower water charges and build capacity and infrastructure for years to come - all on Foxconn's dime.
Now? Not so much. In talking with a person who served on the wastewater commission - they estimate the difference between the original deal the city signed and what they have now will cost the Racine Water Utility approximately a billion dollars over the next 25 years. That means no relief for water bills for anyone in the area.
It also means that instead of being able to monitor what effluent Foxconn puts out - the discharge will sit in tanks in Mt. Pleasant - doing who knows what.
Do you really think Foxconn didn't know about ZLD systems last year? Do you really think they got the water usage so critically wrong OR did they paint an extremely profitable picture to get a deal signed?


  1. Just wait until those *NEW* and *IMPROVED* Water and sewer bills start coming down the pike; not to mention the increased property taxes to pay for more Police, Government Skools,Public Employees, salary and benefit increases, and infrastructure maintenance. *WHOA BOY*

    Next - County Executive Jonathan Delagrave knows it's unpopular - but it will need to be done - sooner or later - yep, a Racine County Sales Tax is also coming down the pike.

    Better prepare now - before the SHTF. Foxconn won't be paying the bills - you'll be paying Foxconn's bills.

    Fair Warning!

    Dance Baby Dance on the Mean Streets of Racine County:

  2. You'll know the pain soon enough...

    Port-au-Prince (AFP) - Haiti's Prime Minister Jack Guy Lafontant on Saturday announced the suspension "until further notice" of a fuel price hike that triggered violent protests and left one dead in the Caribbean nation.

    The about-face came hours after Lafontant made an impassioned televised appeal for patience, and tried to convince people of the need to raise prices.

    The capital Port-au-Prince and its environs has stood paralyzed since Friday afternoon, with major routes blocked by barricades, some made of burning tires, and some protesters even calling for a revolution in the impoverished country.

    Just before the suspension was announced, the leader of Haiti's lower house of parliament had threatened a government takeover if the fuel price increases were not reversed.

    They had only been announced on Friday, while many Haitians were engrossed in a World Cup football match.

    "If there is no response within two hours, the government will be considered as having resigned" and the legislature will take charge, Gary Bodeau, the president of the Chamber of Deputies, told AFP.

    Lafontant then announced on Twitter suspension of the price increases, writing that "violence and democracy are fundamentally incompatible."

    Even before the fuel price controversy, deputies had already begun a debate on his future, and Saturday's about-face could lead to the government's fall.

    At least one person died in violence overnight Friday, and an AFP reporter heard sporadic gunfire in the capital.

    A supermarket and other businesses were looted and vehicles burned, mainly in the wealthy areas of Petionville.

    Similar angry protests broke out in Cap-Haitien, the second-largest city, as well as in the communes of Les Cayes, Jacmel and Petit-Goave.

    Internet service suffered difficulties, although it was unclear whether there was a link to the unrest.

    "We're seeing a little bit more calm right now," an American, Stacy Librandi Bourne, told CNN from Port-au-Prince where, the news network said, she was among 50 American tourists, children and missionaries unable to leave the Oasis Hotel because of the unrest.

    - 'Do not destroy' -

    The troubles were sparked by a government announcement that gasoline prices would rise by 38 percent, diesel by 47 percent and kerosene by 51 percent starting this weekend.

  3. See also:

    Triumph des Willens (1935) - Triumph of the Will:

  4. I don't drive much now, but I put on some miles during the day. If the price of gasoline rises much more, I'll start walking and riding my bicycle.
