Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Questions For the County Executive

Dear County Board, 
Residents of Mount Pleasant have some very serious concerns regarding 
actions taken by County Executive Jonathan Delagrave  - and the claims 
he has made/actions he has taken. He does not appear to want to 
address those claims - taking the position that everyone is in 
agreement and that all actions taken so far have been lawful and 
Further - Politicians such as Racine County Executive Jonathan 
Delagrave (and others) continue to push the boundaries of what are the 
ACTUAL conditions to which Foxconn is required to act to comply within 
the scope of their negotiated agreement. 
The lies and deception from the County Government need to STOP. 
Concerns of MTP Residents need to be properly and legally addressed. 
Racine County appears to be absent the rule of law and acting beyond 
the scope of their authority/duties - and it appears that Governor 
Scott Walker and Representative Robin  give those actions the color of 
being legal by glossing over abuses of process/law taken by local 
officials. This practice needs to end. 
Read for yourself the grievances of MTP Residents and the inflated 
claims of Public Officials at: 
Tim & CIndy 

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