Sunday, July 22, 2018

Welcome to lWisconsin


  1. So far in Chiraq:

    Year to Date
    Shot & Killed: 257
    Shot & Wounded: 1331
    Total Shot: 1588
    Total Homicides: 309

  2. We posted the gag picture from The Onion yesterday about shootings spreading to neighborhoods that Rahm actually cares about. Carjackings are already in those neighborhoods, so it's only a matter of time until one goes bad:
    A couple was carjacked at gunpoint Friday morning outside their garage in the North Side Bucktown neighborhood.

    A 33-year-old man was taking out the garbage about 9:30 a.m. in the 1700 block of North Wolcott while a 33-year-old woman pulled their 2018 Range Rover out of the garage, according to Chicago Police. A silver car pulled into the alley and two males got out, pointed guns at them and ordered the woman out of the Range Rover. Several personal items were also stolen.

    The carjackers got into the Range Rover and drove north from the alley, while a third suspect drove the silver car away south, police said.

    One of the carjackers was about 6-foot-3 and wore a black hoodie and black pants, police said. The other was about 6 feet tall and wore a white T-shirt with black jeans. They were both armed with handguns.
    The Sun Times provides pretty much zero usable descriptions. Channel 5 has zip also. Channel 7 adds these tidbits:
    Nearby residents were shaken by the crime.

    "Everybody starts questioning when this stuff happens, if you should live in the city," said Bucktown resident Chad Wells. "And my wife's now sitting here telling me, 'should we move?'."

    "I think the immediate answer is we need the officer count that we had several years ago to come back up," said Alderman Scott Waguespack (32nd Ward). "Yes, we've seen a handful of officers come in here and there, but it hasn't been enough to stem the tide of these carjackings and other types of crimes."
    Manpower shortages? And after all those promises. Along with the always popular:
    The Chicago Police Department said that carjackings are down by approximately 12 percent since this time last year after the formation of a carjacking task force in recent months.
    Ah yes, the ever present "crime is down" nonsense.

    The woman driving the car is eight months pregnant by the way. If she convinces her husband to move out, that's two taxpayers gone and perhaps a future CPS student. Not exactly the picture of stability that Rahm wants.
