Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Man accused of dragging dog sentenced to probation

From The Journal
 RACINE — A Racine man accused of dragging a dog with his van was sentenced to probation Tuesday.
Peter M. Valente, 54, of the 1400 block of LaSalle Street, pleaded no contest to an amended misdemeanor charge of intentionally mistreating animals. He had originally been charged with felony mistreatment of animals and intentionally leading an animal from a motor vehicle.
During his plea and sentencing hearing, Valente briefly addressed the court. “I’m just so sorry this happened,” Valente said.

Stayed sentence

Assistant District Attorney Micha Schwab said the state offered Valente a plea deal because they were unable to meet the burden of proof required for the felony conviction.
“As your honor knows, I have the highest burden, which is to prove every element beyond a reasonable doubt,” Schwab said. “In order to prove a felony, I had to prove intent, and with all the evidence I have, I would not be able to prove intent without a reasonable doubt.”
Schwab recommended one year initial incarceration, plus one year extended supervisor, stayed for one year of probation. A stayed sentence means Valente would not serve the sentence unless he violated terms of the purposed one-year probation.
The sentence would run consecutively to a revocation sentence Valente served after being arrested while on probation for a previous crime.

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How much probation can one person get?  This guy has proven himself to be a scofflaw.  Put him behind bars.  Coward.

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