Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Michigan Declares Emergency Over City’s Water Contamination

Dear City of Racine Alderpersons, 
That didn't take long as.... 
Michigan officials have declared a state of emergency after a city’s 
drinking water supply was found to be tainted with a harmful nonstick 
chemical. Michigan officials have declared a state of emergency after 
a city’s drinking water supply was found to be tainted with a harmful 
nonstick chemical. 
Lt. Gov. Brian Calley (R) made the declaration Sunday, days after the 
discovery of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in the water 
supply for Parchment and Cooper Township, near Kalamazoo. (just a 
stone's hop and skip away from Racine) 
But hey - it's just BAU - right? That's BUSINESS AS USUAL. and here in 
MTP BAU is set to happen! 
Well, well, who woulda thunk it might happen….. especially in the 
Great Lakes Basin – where fresh water is plentiful, cheap, and used to 
remove Industrial and Human Waste from sight and smell. This waste, 
formerly fresh clean water supplied from a tap, is channeled to the 
sewer system which leads to  a temporary holding facility where it 
receives “treatment” with chemicals prior to being expelled back into 
large bodies of surface and underground water supplies in an effort to 
dilute the extreme contamination and pollutants! 
At least until the concentration of chemicals and contamination 
becomes too great to be fit for safe human consumption. Meanwhile, 
lying Politicians like Walker, Vos, Dickert, Mason, DeGroot and 
Delagrave  proclaim that the supply of  fresh water in the Great Lakes 
Basin is almost too cheap to meter! What happens when the process 
fails and the water becomes unsafe? 
I'll tell ya what happens next... 
Scott Walker, Robin Vos, Cory Mason, Jonathan Delagrave and Dave (the 
Village Idiot) DeGroot are just part of yet ANOTHER Gang of lying 
Politicians, seeking to expand their power, control and wealth 
transfer schemes. To them,  Lake Michigan is just another asset to be 
given away  to a Foreign Corporation for their use, abuse, and 
abandonment! After all the wealth has been extracted, for their 
personal benefit, the taint and costs will remain for the surviving 
inhabitants ! May you get a large screen TV as compensation! 
See the post: 
Foxconn will provide very few jobs with (mostly) low wages (and temps) 
dependent upon government subsidizes,  and the “investment” will be 
financed by taxpaying  Residents – all on borrowed money from lenders 
which will have a first claim on taxpayers and require long term 
principle and interest payments. Foxconn will also be given “limited 
liability” for all the environmental damage they will create – and the 
locals will be stuck with all the long term bills and the 
environmental damage  after Foxconn has told SE WI  “SEE YA” , is 
gone, leaving the water supply of SE Wisconsin  heavily contaminated! 
What then? Import your drinking water from polluted and contaminated 
Please join Cindy and I is JUST SAYING NO to allowing Governor Scott 
Walker, Representatives Robin Vos,  Cory Mason & MTP President David 
DeGroot to violate the Wisconsin Constitution (and their Oath of 
Office) by granting special rights to Corporate interests, stealing 
people’s property, destroying multi-generational Farms alongside an 
entire long established Community, loosening environmental 
protections, permitting heavy metals water pollution, instituting 
slave labor wages, providing taxpayer subsidies to multi-billionaire 
Corporations, and politician overreach. 
Tim & Cindy 

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