Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Committee defers decision on marijuana citations

From The Journal

  • RACINE — A city committee had a lively discussion Tuesday with Alderman John Tate II from the 3rd District about his communication recommending that the City Council order the chief of police to issue all first-time marijuana possession offenders a citation, rather than face state charges.

  •  The Public Safety and Licensing Committee ultimately decided to hold off on making a decision until it received clarification from the City Attorney’s Office and the Police Department. But the conversation brought up issues and questions the committee will want to learn more about before making a decision.

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    The Common Council is lost on this subject.

    1 comment:

    1. General Incompetence reigns supreme in the Halls of City of Racine,

      Cory Mason will continue to FIST City of Racine residents!
