Friday, September 14, 2018

Four for Fridays!

Good morning everyone I hope all of you enjoyed the week. I looks like next week we will be getting rain again. Here are your questions.

1) Did someone move out on you that you really cared about?

2) What was the reason for that person to move out?

3) Did you let them move back in?

4) What happened at the end of it all?

Have a great weekend!


  1. 1) Did someone move out on you that you really cared about?
    My ex-wife.

    2) What was the reason for that person to move out?
    Supposedly, my drinking and drugging, but it turns out there's a lot more to the story.

    3) Did you let them move back in?
    She never asked to.

    4) What happened at the end of it all?

  2. 1. I couldn't be so lucky
    2. Should have found a reason
    3. If it ever happens NO WAY
    4. At the end it will be all

    have a great weekend irregulars

  3. 1. Nah, wouldn't work that way
    2. Somebody's elses wife or girlfriend maybe?
    3. More fake news , it didn't happen
    4. Not into drama, so more fake news
