Sunday, September 30, 2018

Staez - Cool One

Kinda fits with Jack in the Box.....

Well, I picked my baby up she slid right in
I revved my Chevy up and revved it again
Her daddy's standing out beside the street
I laid some rubber there for him to eat

She's a co-co-co-co-co-co-co-co
Cool one

And the show now...
She reached over and she squeezed on my rocks
I lost it all in the popcorn box
I hollered louder than an Indian scout
And that's when the usher started prowlin' about

Man killed in freak car crash after trying to reach his food at Jack in the Box drive-thru in St. Louis
ST. LOUIS • A man who apparently had trouble reaching his food at a drive-thru window at a Jack in the Box restaurant on South Grand Boulevard was killed after he was pinned by his own car.
Charles Wood Jr., 20, was pronounced dead at a hospital after the accident at the restaurant Wednesday night, police said.
Wood pulled up to the drive-thru window at an angle just after 10 p.m., police said. While trying to reach his food from the window, he apparently opened his door and leaned out of his car, police said. The car was in reverse and somehow accelerated backward, pinning Wood against a tree.
Wood suffered serious injuries to his head, neck, torso and legs, police said. He was taken to a hospital and was pronounced dead there.

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