Sunday, October 14, 2018

2019 Proposed Budget

Dear City of Racine Alderpersons,

In the 2019 Proposed Budget, which can be found at this link:

On page 22, the City Administration is proposed to be increased, from 3 positions to 5, with a Communications Coordinator and Strategic Initiatives/Community Partnership Office staff member being added, at an initial cost of $266,845 to taxpayers. These additional positions are totally unnecessary for the statutory functions which are performed by the City Administration, and the Common Council must reject them.

The proper, and limited function of the City Administration is described on page 21:

“The Mayor is the chief executive of the City, and the City Administrator is the Chief Operating Officer of the City. The office is responsible to see that State Statutes and City Ordinances are observed and enforced and that officers and departments of the City discharge their respective duties. The Mayor and City Administrator are responsible for the executive direction of the City operating departments, it's boards and commissions.”
Even with the current 3 positions staffing the City Administration, it is already bloated and overstaffed, only 2 positions are necessary. Therefore, you must reject this increase of unnecessary staffing positions, which comes at a whopping cost to taxpayers of $266,845. Truth be told, if Cory Mason didn't think he could handle the job, then he should not have campaigned for the elective Mayor's office.
The City needs to properly spend the money of its necessary infrastructure and services, such as roads, bridges, garbage collection, and public safety. Therefore, you must reject the proposed, and unnecessary staff increase and spend the money on existing and necessary services.
Tim & Cindy

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