Wednesday, October 24, 2018


Dear City of Racine Alderpersons,

Concerning the 5 Administrative positions requested by Mayor Cory Mason in the Proposed 2019 Budget- at a cost of $500K Plus -


From the JT:

“The big priority for this position is to get at some structural inequalities in this community,” said Mason. “There’s nobody tasked with doing that now.”

Here are the biggest structural inequalities in this Community:

1. The lowball property assessment on the Cory and Rebecca Mason Lakefront property and their refusal to pay their fair share while LOOTING private Businesses and hardworking privately employed Taxpayers for their profit and gain.

For a discussion, see: 

2. The $20,000,000 + that taxpayers are forced to spend on Retiree/Employee Healthcare in one of the biggest giveaways of the 20th C - as City Employees received *FREE HEALTHCARE* for Life - all at taxpayer expense - and well before advanced, and costly treatments had become available. It is grossly UNFAIR to burden the young of Racine with these unconscionable costs. The gross injustice must end!

3. Bloated salaries and tax free benefit packages: In Racine City Hall, $100,000 + salaries are the order of the day - accompanied by a $25,000 + Fringe package, which at times exceeds $40,000.

4. Allowing City employees to live outside the taxing authority of City of Racine - taking money from Residents and absconding to tax havens. This predatory practice needs to be ended - or such employees need to be subject to a remote location tax surcharge to recoup lost monies.

How bad is it?

Just review the list of City of Racine delinquent Taxpayers and Businesses!

From WI DOR:

Pages, and pages, and pages of failed City of Racine Businesses and Individuals!

See some you might recognize?

How about:

Kenneth L. Brown - Eye Openerz - 411 Main Street - $51,038.06 in arrears.

TBG's of Racine - 1814 Taylor Ave - $23,649.95 in arrears.

Velasques & Sons Muffler - 915 Washington Ave - $249,915.54 in arrears

Roberts Roost - 600 6th St. - $22,093.25 in arrears.

Curmedgeon's Pub & Grill LLC - 1413 Silent Sundat C -  $5,638.70 in arrears

and finally -

Dolce Vita - 2122 N. Main Street - $117,784.34 in arrears.

The only answer is to REJECT Mayor Cory Mason's OUTRAGEOUS and BLOATED! Proposed 2019 Budget - eliminate the 5 unnecessary positions he has added to the budget - end the *FREE* healthcare for life benefit - and cut salaries/benefits by 25% across the board.


Tim & Cindy

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