Friday, October 12, 2018

Dear Village Board

Dear Village Board,

It is very disconcerting when the Village President (David DeGroot) and Board Members completely abrogate their promises, contracts, policies, and procedures; which it has previously delivered/instituted in dealing with Residents - especially in relation to the proposed Foxconn Development; to deal in bad faith with displaced Residents, especially in regards to those with disabilities/fixed incomes/minors.

To Wit:
Dear Mount Pleasant Village Trustees,
We, the below signed, have come together with our combined years of public service to urge the village board to do the right thing and deliver the promised relocation package to Sean McFarlane and his family.
Mr. McFarlane and his family are suffering for no good reason. A landlord's relocation package is not tied to a tenant's relocation package, so the stance of village officials is both morally reprehensible and likely illegal, as evidenced by the investigation currently being conducted by the state Department of Administration.
Not only is the McFarlane family living in unsanitary conditions - mold, contaminated water - in a home the village provided, the village also reneged on a promise to make the home more accessible for Mr. McFarlane's wheelchair. More, the McFarlane's are now being evicted without another home to which they can move, a situation initiated by and only made possible because you - our village officials - are not following what's fair and outlined clearly under the law.
That Mr. McFarlane is disabled and has four children makes this situation especially egregious.
As elected representatives of the people of Mt. Pleasant, we wish to remind you that your primary duty is to ensure the interests of our residents. Reneging on village obligations and promises undermines the faith and trust of the public in local government.
Stop grandstanding and reinstate the McFarlane family's relocation package. Do the right - and legal - thing for them.
Jerry Garski - Village President & Village Trustee (2015-2017 & 2010-2014)
Donald Schulz - Village Trustee & Town Supervisor (2013-2014 & 1993-2001)
Ken Otwaska - Village Trustee (2015-2017)
Jon Hansen - Village Trustee (2015-2017)

Playing fair and by the rules is something which the questionably legal government of MTP, which often operate in violation of State Statutes in regards to Open Meeting and Records laws - just seems unable to adhere to.

So why can't MTP Government operate transparently, truthfully, and adhere to State Statutes?

And why Isn't Brad Schimel and his moribund WI AG office prosecuting frequent offenders of WI State Statutes such as MTP Village President Dave DeGroot and (retiring) Chief of Police Tim Zarzecki?

How can Foxconn CEO Terry Gou expect MTP Government to deal in good faith with him when MTP Government has already shown a proclivity to cheat and beat Residents by breaking previously agreed upon contracts and promises?


Tim & Cindy

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