Monday, October 29, 2018

Milwaukee County judge under fire for detaining defense lawyer, who wound up shackled

From JSOnline:

Milwaukee County Circuit Judge David Borowsk
i(Photo: Rick Wood / Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)
Backlash could continue Monday over a Milwaukee County judge's decision to briefly jail an assistant public defender Friday over a perceived lack of respect and decorum.

News of the incident spread quickly among the criminal defense bar via social media on the weekend and prompted a strong response from the State Public Defender's office spokesman, Randy Kraft.

"The fact that our attorney was taken into custody, handcuffed, and belly-chained for doing his job is unacceptable," Kraft said in an emailed statement.

"The impact on our attorney and his client is of utmost concern to this agency.  The message this action sends to our attorneys, whose jobs are to be zealous advocates for the rights of their clients, undercuts a basic tenet of our justice system."

Reached over the weekend, Circuit Judge David Borowski declined to discuss the still-pending case but suggested a transcript of the exchange that led to the lawyer's detention would be available Monday.

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