Friday, October 12, 2018

Shorewood High cancels 'To Kill a Mockingbird'; critics planned protest over use of racial slur

From JSOnline:

When Shorewood High School chose "To Kill a Mockingbird" as this year's annual fall play, it seemed a relevant commentary on the times.

Based on the Harper Lee classic about a white southern lawyer defending an innocent black man in the 1930s, it is a story about segregation and racism, a broken criminal justice system and the sacrifices of those who would stand up for what is right.

But Lee's book, which has been banned by many schools across the country, remains as controversial today as it did when she wrote it. On Thursday, just hours before the curtain was to go up, Shorewood canceled the production in response to a planned protest over the use of the 'N' word in some scenes.

News of a protest had circulated on social media early in the day.  And by mid-afternoon, Superintendent Bryan Davis pulled the plug, saying the district should have done a better job engaging the community "about the sensitivity of this performance."

"We’ve concluded that the safest option is to cancel the play," Davis said in a statement.

The decision has angered and disappointed students and parents on both sides of the debate.

"That was never our request. We asked for the word to be omitted," said Patience Phillips, the mother of three African-American students involved in the protest.

"I understand that the children put a lot of work into this play," she said. "This doesn't create dialogue. It causes more of a division."

I agree with the cancellation of the play.  We have no right to edit someone else's work.  Today it's the n-word; tomorrow it's the freedom word.

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