Saturday, October 27, 2018

Welcome to The Pink Swastika 5th (Internet) Edition

It has been several years since we published the fourth edition of this book.  In that time we have accumulated a substantial amount of new documentation supporting our thesis that the Nazi Party was conceived, organized and controlled throughout its short history by masculine-oriented male homosexuals who hid their sexual proclivities from the public, in part by publicly persecuting one group of their political enemies: out-of-the-closet effeminate-oriented homosexuals aligned with the German Communist Party. 
During that same time, our detractors, mostly "gay" political activists, have increased their attacks on the book, primarily by ridiculing its premise, but occasionally by challenging certain facts or sources.  They are rightly concerned that this book threatens their long-standing public-relations strategy of posing as victims to win public support for their political agenda. 
When the first edition of The Pink Swastika was published in 1995, the homosexual community was heavily invested in a campaign to equate homosexuals with Jews as Nazi victims in order to exploit the Holocaust for their political advantage.  The primary symbol of their movement at that time was the inverted pink triangle, which had been used by the Nazis to identify homosexuals interned in German work camps during the Third Reich, and it was common to hear "gay" activists talk about "the Gay Holocaust."
The Pink Swastika was written to challenge that campaign.  Because, while there certainly were some homosexual victims of the Nazi regime, and a record of harsh public condemnation of homosexuality by the Nazi Party, the true, complete story of homosexuality in Nazi and pre-Nazi Germany does not in the least help the "gay" cause. 
If The Pink Swastika were the "pack of lies" the homosexual movement claims it is, the book would not have influenced their "Gay Holocaust" strategy in the smallest degree.  It would have been easy to discredit and disregard.  Instead, how did the "gay" leaders respond to its challenge?  They stopped talking about the Nazis almost entirely and changed their symbol from the pink triangle to the rainbow flag. 
We prevailed in our campaign.  And our research was implicitly vindicated.  However, the attacks continued and now various, ostensibly non-homosexual surrogates have taken up the "gay" effort to discredit the book.  
This edition of The Pink Swastika is designed to once-and-for-all silence the critics by emphasizing the strength of our documentation.  The Internet is particularly helpful in this task because we can provide direct links to supporting documents and websites, pictures, graphics, video clips and other resources right alongside the text in an interactive format.
We hope you find The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party 5th (Internet) Edition useful and informative.

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