Friday, October 12, 2018

WSJ Editorial

Dear City of Racine Alderpersons,

When even the Madison based Wisconsin State Journal is calling a Racine County Judge -  unbalanced and acting outside the bounds of his authority - it is time to end the charade - and *FIRE* City Attorney Scott Letteney and stop the purely political persecution of Alderperson Sandy Weidner.

From WSJ:
The very fact that a court case exists should not be shrouded in secrecy — especially when it centers on a modest request for city documents under Wisconsin’s open records law.
Racine Ald. Sandy Weidner asked for slides from a presentation her city attorney, Scott Letteney, had shown at a closed-door meeting with city officials last year. Many of the slides contained emails Weidner had sent, using her city email account. Letteney thought information in the emails should have been kept confidential, and he wanted a city ethics panel to review whether Weidner’s transparency violated city rules.
Letteney refused Weidner’s request for the records, prompting Weidner’s legal challenge.
Enter Judge Gasiorkiewicz. Rather than rule on the merits of the case in public, he sealed the case from public view. It still doesn’t show up, for example, on a public website providing citizens with information about court cases. And, oddly, one of Gasiorkiewicz’s rationales for all this secrecy is to protect Weidner’s privacy, according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.
But Weidner is the one who wants the documents released. It makes no sense to suggest her privacy is being protected. And it certainly should make the public wonder what exactly Racine officials are trying to hide.
Stop hiding the truth - Stop protecting an incompetent part-time City Attorney, Scott Letteney,  - and STOP persecuting Alderperson Sandy Weidner  who was just performing her duties as an Alderperson.
Tim & Cindy

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