Friday, November 2, 2018

Four for Fridays!

Good morning everyone I hope you had fun watching the trick or treaters in your neighborhood. We had a lot of fun with the Grandkids over the weekend. It was so nice to have them here the weekend of my birthday. Here are your questions.

1) Have you gone in the stores and already last week the had the Christmas trees up?

2) Do you think the stores should have them up this early?

3) When do you think the stores should have any Christmas stuff out?

4) So you do any Christmas shopping this early?

Have a great weekend!


  1. 1) Have you gone in the stores and already last week the had the Christmas trees up?

    2) Do you think the stores should have them up this early?
    Hell no.

    3) When do you think the stores should have any Christmas stuff out?
    Black Friday.

    4) So you do any Christmas shopping this early?

    Thank you for this we4ek's questions, THB. Merry Christmas! Ho, ho, ho!

  2. 1. I haven't seen them yet.
    2. Should be up year round.
    3. Agreed with Black Friday
    4. Already got some ready to package.

    St. Catherine Angels win and remain undefeated, next week the win will get harder.
    Go Angels!
