Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Calling JT Publisher Mark Lewis....

America's dying industries: 
8. Newspaper publishers 
• Employment change 2008-17: -50.3% 
• Employment total: 160,739 
• Wage growth 2008-17: -17.8% 
• Avg. annual wage: $32,765 
Newspaper publishing is one of only eight U.S. industries that employs 
less than half as many workers as it did in 2008. There are now just 
160,739 newspaper publishers workers in the United States, compared to 
more than 320,000 a decade earlier. While people still read 
newspapers, many who do subscribe to the digital version, reducing the 
need for those who print physical copies. Industry workers today are 
making less money than industry workers in 2008. Since that time, the 
industry's average annual wages dropped 17.8%, one of the larger 
declines of any industry.

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