Friday, December 21, 2018

Four for Fridays!

Good morning everyone I hope all of you had a good week. It is the Christmas weekend and travels are going to be busy so I hope everyone stays safe. Here are your questions.

1) Do you have plans to travel?

2) If you do have plans to travel are you going to see family or friends?

3) Did you finish your Christmas shopping or is last minute shopping?

4) Do you enjoy the Christmas Holiday?

Have a Merry Christmas and be safe!


  1. 1) Do you have plans to travel?
    Only locally

    2) If you do have plans to travel are you going to see family or friends?
    Locally yes to both

    3) Did you finish your Christmas shopping or is last minute shopping?
    What shopping I do is always last minute

    4) Do you enjoy the Christmas Holiday?

  2. 1) Maybe.

    2) Family.

    3) I don't shop.

    4) Nah.

    Thanks for this week's questions, THB.

  3. 1. No plans as of yet.
    2. Family and friends oh yeah
    3. I do very little shopping
    4. Just another day in paradise!
