Saturday, December 15, 2018

Vive La France!

Bare-Breasted 'Mariannes' Face Off With French Police; Tear Gas, 
Pepper Spray Used On Protesting Yellow Vests 
Week five of Yellow Vest demonstrations turned violent after 
protesters in Paris began to scuffle with police. 
Just under 70,000 police have been mobilized across France in an 
effort to contain some 33,500 estimated protesters - a much lower 
turnout than in previous weeks, while the Yellow Vest movement itself 
has spread to several countries across Europe, as well as Iraq, Israel 
and even Canada. 
Meanwhile, in stark contrast to the bright yellow vests worn by most 
protesters - a groupd of half-naked women posing as Marianne, the 
Goddess of Liberty and a symbol of French patriotism, have faced off 
with police in Paris. 
Donning blood-red hoodies and coated in silver paint, the women paid 
homage to the French revolutionary hero on Champs-Élysées avenue on 
Saturday in a silent demonstration. 
Seven people in total have died during the Yellow Vest demonstrations, 
which has gone from a fuel tax protest to an anti-government movement. 
    "Last time, we were here for taxes," said 28-year-old called 
Jeremy told the AFP news agency. 
    "This is for the institutions - we want more direct democracy," he 
said, adding that people needed to "shout to make themselves heard".

1 comment:

  1. Boss Vos is a Threat to Democracy and Must be Tossed Next Election!
    The Republithugs Act Out to Knee-Cap Incoming Governor Tony Evers! It
    is Another OUTRAGE!

    From the JT:

    Local legislators split upon party lines regarding reaction’s to
    outgoing Gov. Scott Walker signing the controversial
    extraordinary-session bills in Green Bay on Friday, less than a month
    before he leaves office.

    The bills were passed in an extraordinary session in which Democrats
    argued that the legislation reduces powers of the governor and
    attorney general. In November, Democrat Tony Evers defeated Republican
    Walker, and Democrat Josh Kaul defeated incumbent Republican Attorney
    General Brad Schimel.

    Republicans have argued that the legislation does not reduce the power
    of the governor but rather makes the State Legislature a more equal
    branch of government.
