Saturday, January 26, 2019

Beach Party at the Masons!

From Racine County Corruption:

Mayor Mason and wife Rebecca advance affordable housing in Racine.
For themselves that is !

Mayor Cory Mason
Does it pay to be connected to people that have the ability to manipulate records? 

According to city records it does ! 

Judge Rebecca Mason
The Mason's, living on the shores of Lake Michigan have conveniently found themselves living in a tax oasis.
Their property located at 3907 Lighthouse drive appears to be under assessed, undertaxed and has seen tax assessed values spiral downward compared to their neighbors.

Assessments on Lighthouse Drive

These data tables are derived from City of Racine records.

The couple,  holding the offices of Mayor and Municipal judge within the City of Racine also appear to live an intertwined life of conflict of interest.

You may read more about the couple fighting 
for affordable housing at:

Special thanks for the tireless efforts of :

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