Friday, January 11, 2019

Four for Fridays!

Good morning everyone I hope your having a good week. Drew has been working ten hour days this week and believe it or not he actually has the weekend off. here are your questions.

1) With this crazy weather have you been hibernating?

2) Have you come down sick with the weather?

3) Has the weather made you just want to stay in bed?

4) When it is cold out what do you do?

Have a great weekend!


  1. 1) With this crazy weather have you been hibernating?
    I always hibernate.

    2) Have you come down sick with the weather?
    No, but I know two people who have.

    3) Has the weather made you just want to stay in bed?

    4) When it is cold out what do you do?
    Sleep or the internet.

    Thank you, THB, for this week's questions. Everybody stay warm.

  2. 1. no time to hibernate, too many dragons to slay

    2. Yes, sick of the warm weather

    3. nice blonde , brunette or redhead will do that trick

    4. try to stay warm.

    Have a great weekend irregulars
