Saturday, January 26, 2019

Shut up and code, bitches!

Americans are not exactly full of sympathy for unexpectedly unemployed 
media figures these days: 
    After news came out about mass layoffs at HuffPost, Buzzfeed and 
Gannett -- in the midst of the media's relentless smear-job against 
the Covington Catholic students -- right-wing Twitter had a field day. 
Tons of leftist journalists announced they were laid off on Twitter 
and the top meme was telling them to "learn to code" -- which is the 
same advice the media gave middle Americans whose jobs are being taken 
in traditional industries. 
Of course, the newly-jobless journalists understood the obvious 
schadenfreude involved, given their past lack of sympathy for 
Americans disemployed by imports and immigration, and endured the 
laughter at their expense with all the stoicism and sang froid one 
would naturally expect of enlightened and superior beings. 
A lot of people are going to enjoy telling Kevin Williams that he is a 
negative asset who deserves to die when he loses his job. Again. 
Maybe them laid-off Journalists should ENLIST NOW! and die in Foreign 
Wars. Yellow Journalism is War bu other means.

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