Saturday, March 23, 2019

Florida Man Googles self to find out which Florida Man he is

ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — It turns out there's a "Florida Man" in all of us.
A social media challenge is encouraging people to look up what version of Florida Man they are based on their birthdays.

Florida Man has become shorthand for a unique brand of news story mined from the Sunshine State that usually involves guns, drugs, booze or reptiles — often in startling combination.

The challenge asks people to run their birthday and "Florida Man" through a search engine to find out which Florida Man headline pops up. Then, like all good things, they must post the result on social media.

The challenge has become a social media sensation, which isn't surprising given that the Florida Man concept crept into the nation's consciousness with the @—FloridaMan Twitter account in 2013.

The Twitter account, with the tagline "Real-life stories of the world's worst superhero," has been home to recent headlines such as "Florida Man Fire Bombs Garage That Impounded His Car, Hits His Own Vehicle" and "Florida Man Tried to Pay for McDonald's With Weed."

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