Friday, March 22, 2019

Four for Fridays!

Good morning everyone I can not believe it is Friday already. Drew has been off all week and we have the Grandkids they have Spring Break this week. I hope you have enjoyed your week. Here are your questions.

1) Can you believe Spring is here?

2) Are you ready to get out of hibernation?

3) Are you ready to see the leaves on the trees?

4) Are you ready to hear all the birds singing?

Have a great weekend and enjoy the warm weather this weekend!


  1. 1) Can you believe Spring is here?
    Usually comes around this time of year, so the answer is yes

    2) Are you ready to get out of hibernation?

    3) Are you ready to see the leaves on the trees?
    yes, and the grass turn green

    4) Are you ready to hear all the birds singing?
    even singing in the rain

  2. 1) Yes, finally.

    2) Yes.

    3) I can't wait.

    4) Yes, that's one of my favorite parts of spring.

    Thank you, THB, for this week's questions. I'm glad you've had a good time with your grandkids.

  3. 1. Spring has sprung Yeah!

    2. like a hungry bear

    3. sure am because the mulberries are ready in June

    4. happy birds are full of music
